Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Episode 1: RubberNinja

The very first episode of Behind the Flash is up! In this episode, Ross O'Donovan a.k.a. "RubberNinja" discusses the inspiration behind Gamer Tonight, what's in store for the fans now that the series is ending, and even what he eats while animating.



Billy Monks said...

I was somewhat enticed by RubberNinja's sexy accent.

Rina-chan said...

Oh, me too.

Anonymous said...

Hehe cool. If you wanna interview me, gimme a bell.

Anonymous said...

Hmm that was interesting. Good job, Rina-Chan.

FlaktheFox said...

When I started watching season two of Good Game on ABC2, I recognized his Gamer Tonight show. It would be 2 days until I found out that the cartoon was made just for the show. Anyway Rina, nice interview. I look forward to seeing me of thisc